
The site with the buoys delimiting the anchoring prohibited zone; in the background, relict reed beds and a completely urbanized shore © Yves Billaud / MC-DRASSM

  Sevrier / Saint-Jorioz  |     Secteur des Mongets

Short Description
The site was discovered in 1989 and a topography of the visible piles was recorded in 1993, followed by a stratigraphic evaluation trench in the same year. In 2015, during monitoring activities, the pile plan was finally completed (822 piles in total). The settlement had an approximate surface area of 1250 m², and was organized around a log access path. The path went across a fence of stakes and a palisade of piles, probably both structures for defensive purposes. The habitation area is arranged in two rows of houses that stand perpendicular to the central log path on each side.

Bronze Age

Early Bronze Age, 1803 -1755 B.C.

Annecy Lake

455 m.a.s.l.

Size of the site 0,13 ha / approx. 1 supermarket

Size of the bufferzone 62,2 ha / approx. 87 soccer pitches

Special Features & Highlights
Les Mongets is the only Early Bronze Age settlement site identified to date in the Savoy lakes. It is quite comparable, both in terms of dates and in terms of layout, with the first occupation of the Concise / Sous Colachoz pile dwellings on Lake Neuchâtel. Perhaps an indication, they may have belonged to the same cultural group.

Survey of the picket fence © Yves Billaud / MC - DRASSM

Current Activities
The site is marked by four buoys delimiting the anchoring prohibited zone.