Zurich | Zürich - Alpenquai
Short description
The site is one of the most important Late Bronze Age sites in central Europe on account of its size, its extraordinary rich assemblage of finds and its unique organic finds and architectural components. It was settled from 1050 to 800 BC. The most recent phase is of particular importance because it dates from the transition between the Bronze and Iron Ages. At that time, the metal (bronze) which had previously been used to make tools (bronze) is gradually replaced by iron
Bronze Age
2nd - 1st millenium B.C.
Lake Zürichsee
404 m.a.s.l
Size of the site 2,93 ha / approx. 4 soccer pitches
Size of the bufferzone 17,4 ha / approx. 23 soccer pitches
Special Features & Highlights
Richness of finds, evidence for the late phase of the Late Bronze Age