Archäologisches Landesmuseum Baden-Württemberg (ALM)
Benediktinerplatz 5, 78467 Konstanz
In the first floor the Archaeological State shows various aspects of the archaeology of Baden-Württemberg. A lot of finds from the world heritage site Hornstaad-Hörnle, like caps and sandals, bubble gums made of birch-bark pitch, jewellery and nets shows how well preserved finds form pile dwelling sites are. Wooden finds from the world heritage site Siedlung Forschner illustrate the importance of preservation of wood; dendrochronology is fundamental for dating wooden objects.
Archäologisches Museum Kanton Solothurn
Konradstrasse 7, 4600 Olten
Tue – Fri: 14.00 – 17.00
Sat – Sun: 10.00 – 17.00
The Archäologisches Museum Kanton Solothurn exhibits various finds from Lake Inkwil and Lake Burgäschi. On display are, among other things, ceramic vessels, a fishhook made of wood, various bone implements, stone axe blades and spindle whorls. An information panel provides additional information about the two lakes and their history of formation and also gives an account of the excavation history and the finds recovered.
Archäologische Staatssammlung München
Lerchenfeldstrasse 2, 80538 München
The expostion is closed at the moment.
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Civico Museo Archaeologico Platina
Piazza G. Garibaldi, 3 , 26034 Piadena
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August Gröber Platz , 88422 Bad Buchau
The Federseemuseum is a classical museum showing original finds from the world heritage sites Siedlung Forschner, Alleshausen-Grundwiesen, Alleshausen/Seekirch-Ödenahlen and from othes sites in the Federsee region. In the open-air museum there are parts of reconstructed settlements of various times. Various mediation offers makes the museum active.
The museum offers as special feature a "Family Activity Trail"
Pfahlbaumuseum Unteruhldingen
Strandpromenade 6, 88690 Unteruhldingen-Mühlhofen
The 1922 founded Lake Dwelling Museum is the oldest open air museum in Germany. 23 houses of Stone and Bronze age – reconstructed by archaeological features from Upper Swabia and Lake Constance – are furnished; the can visited within conducted round tour. In a permanent exhibition are shown original finds from well known archaeological sites of the region.
Heimathaus Schörfling am Attersee
Gmundnerstraße 8, 4861 Schörfling am Attersee
appointment shall be set up per telephone
+43 7662 259
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Heimathaus Vöcklabruck
Hinterstadt 18, 4840 Vöcklabruck
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Rathausplatz 2, 78476 Allensbach
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The local museum presents archaeological objects from the western part of lake Constance. The focal point of the presentation are detailed informations about the world heritage site Allensbach-Strandbad with its famous dagger.
Historisches Museum Bern
Helvetiaplatz 6, 3006 Bern
Tue – Sun: 10.00 – 17.00
The Historisches Museum Bern’s historical collection consists of 500,000 objects dating from the Stone Age to the present. In the exhibition ‘Stone Age, Celts, Romans’, important archaeological finds shed light on the development of humankind from the Early Stone Age to the Roman conquest of the Alpine region. Follow this path through the history of civilisation and discover the world of the pile dwellers by looking at artefacts from Twann, Vinelz, Seeberg–Burgäschisee and Mörigen.
Historisches Museum im Schloss Arbon
Schloss Arbon , 9320 Arbon
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Il y a 6000 ans…, Chalain, Clairvaux
rue du Parterre 9, 39130 Clairvaux-Les-Lacs
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Kantonales Museum für Urgeschichte(n)
Hofstrasse 5, 6300 Zug
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The Zug Museum für Urgeschichte(n) presents the history of the pile dwellers in a lively and informative manner. Here, you will see an exhibition that allows you to experience first-hand what people’s everyday lives were like 3000 to 6000 years ago. What did they eat? What craft-working skills and abilities did they have? What kind of clothes and jewellery did they wear? With whom did they trade goods? All these questions are answered by the finds on display.
Koliščarji z Velikega jezera
Troštova ulica 15, 1292 Ig
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Landesmuseum Kärnten - Rudolfinum
Museumsgasse 2 1, 9021 Klagenfurt
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Laténium Parc et musée d’archéologie
Espace Paul Vouga , 2068 Hauterive
Tue – Sun: 10.00 – 17.00
The Laténium is both a centre of scientific research and an internationally renowned museum. Situated in idyllic surroundings on the lakeshore, it invites you to explore the everyday lives of our ancestors starting from the period of the Neanderthals. Besides the finds from La Tène, the main focal point of the Museum is the pile-dwelling period: the Laténium collections illustrate all the important sites with regard to Swiss pile-dwelling archaeology.
Museum am Pfäffikersee
Im Kehr, am Seequai, , 8330 Pfäffikon
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Museum für Archäologie des Kantons Thurgau
Freie Strasse 26, 8510 Frauenfeld
Tue to Fri: 14 - 17h
Sat and Sun: 13 - 17h
Closed on monday
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here you'll find the event program 2019
Museum für Dorfgeschichte „Blauer Aff“
Unterdorfstrasse 14, 8264 Eschenz
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Museum im Kornhaus
Hafenplatz 2, 9401 Rorschach
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Museum Nidwalden
Kehrsitenstrasse , 6362 Stansstad
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Musée de l`Areuse
Avenue du collège 18, 2017 Boudry
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Museum zu Allerheiligen
Baumgartenstrasse 6, 8200 Schaffhausen
Tue – Sun: 11.00 – 17.00
The permanent archaeological exhibition includes a model of the bog settlement at Thayngen-Weier, which has been recreated based on the excavation results and the scientific analyses. Various themes illustrated by the model are shown on a touch screen providing information about the settlement features, the architectural history and individual finds. The presentation of the rich finds from the settlement revolves mainly around the wooden artefacts: ladles, bowls and dishes in all production stages including finished objects, a complete bow, a fragment of a child’s bow, the shaft of an arrow including an arrowhead and remnants of fletching. New finds have provided a context and new interpretation for preserved ceramic knobs: female breasts originally applied to loam-plastered and painted house walls.
Museum Yverdon und Region
Le Château, CP 968 , 1401 Yverdon-les-Bains
October - Mai:
Tue – Sun: 14.00 – 17.00
June - September:
Tue – Sun: 11.00 – 17.00
The prehistoric hall presents an array of finds from the pile-dwellings in north Canton Vaud, covering the entire period from the Late Stone Age (4000 BC) to the end of the Bronze Age (850 BC). The paintings by the Yverdon artist P. Savary of some of the finds being used in everyday situations provide a vivid impression of what life would have been like at the time. Particularly worth mentioning with regard to the Bronze Age finds is a dugout canoe – at 12 m one of the longest in Switzerland – which was found in Corcelettes (VD) in 1880.
Musée d`art et d`histoire
Rue Charles Galland 2, 1206 Genève
Tue – Sun: 10.00 – 18.00
The Musée d’art et d’histoire de la Ville de Genève houses almost 47,000 prehistoric finds. Several thousand came from pile-dwelling sites around the lower basin of Lake Geneva and date from both the Late Stone Age and the Late Bronze Age. A selection of several dozens artefacts from the sites at Plonjon, Eaux-Vives, Pâquis and d'Anières-Bassy as well as Collonge-Bellerive and Corsier-Port have been on display in the new regional archaeology hall since 2009. The finds are accompanied by 10th century BC piles from Plonjon and a dugout canoe from Morges, which was recently dated to 1326 BC.
Musée cantonal d’archéologie et d’histoire
Place de la Riponne 6, 1005 Lausanne
Tue – Thu: 11.00 – 18.00
Fri – Sun: 11.00 – 17.00
The Museum’s collections represent the entire range of archaeological research conducted in Canton Vaud since the 19th century. Most notable are the finds from the settlements on Lake Geneva and on Lakes Neuchâtel and Morat. The permanent exhibition shows the entire range of artefacts from the pile-dwelling period. The Museum houses a life-sized reconstruction of an excavation at a pile-dwelling site, settlement models and numerous well-preserved Late Stone Age and Bronze Age finds from well-known lakeside.
Musée d'art et d'histoire de La Neuveville
Ruelle de l'Hôtel de Ville 11, 2520 La Neuveville
April – October:
Sun: 14.30 – 17.30
The Late Stone Age collection includes artefacts recovered from the pile-dwelling sites around Lake Bienne, most notably a dugout canoe. The collection is a tribute to Victor Gros, a native of La Neuveville and one of the fathers of modern archaeological research.
Museum Wetzikon
Farbstrasse 1, 8620 Wetzikon
1st and 3rd sunday of every month: 14.00 – 17.00
Closed in July and August
Other dates on request
Most of the pile-dwelling artefacts came from the collection of Jakob Messikommer, a farmer and leading light of early pile-dwelling research: from the smallest of fish scales to stone axe roughouts to querns for grinding cereals. We have made replicas of some of the finds to give visitors the opportunity of handling them or trying them out.
Museum Murten
Ryf 4, 3280 Murten
Tue – Sat: 14.00 – 17.00
Sun: 10.00 – 17.00
The permanent exhibition of the Museum Murten shows a rich array of finds from various pile-dwelling sites on Lake Morat. Vessels, tools, implements of all kinds, jewellery and textiles provide insight into the Neolithic and Bronze Age living environments. The artefacts on display were recovered mainly from the settlements in Muntelier, which were among the best-known prehistoric sites in Western Switzerland.
Museum Burghalde
Schlossgasse 23, 5600 Lenzburg
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Archaeology is one of the main areas of focus of the Museum Burghalde in Lenzburg. The permanent exhibition contains many finds as well as models and reconstructions of houses highlighting the history of the pile dwellers in the Seetal Valley. The prehistoric workshop is unique in Switzerland. It shows Late Stone Age tools and visitors have the opportunity to work stone, wood, bone and many other materials.
Musée archéologique du lac de Paladru
place de l’Église 15, 38850 Charavines
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Musée Lac et Nature
route des Plages 996, 73470 Novalaise
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Maison du Lac d’Aiguebelette
Cusina , 73470 Nances
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Musée Savoisien
Square de Lannoy de Bissy 9, 73000 Chambery
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Museo Archeologico Del Friuli Occidentale
Via Vittorio Veneto 19, 33170 Pordenone
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Museo Nazionale Atestino
Via Guiod Negri 9/c, 35042 Este
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Musei Reali di Torino
Piazzetta Reale 1, 10122 Torino
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Museo del Territorio Biellese
Chiostro di San Sebastiano - Via Quintino Sella 52, 13900 Biella
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Museo Civico P.A. Garda
Piazza Ottinetti , 10015 Ivrea
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Museo Archeologico di Arona
Piazza San Graziano 36, 28041 Arona
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Museo Naturalistico Archeologico
C.a.S. Corona 4, 36100 Vincenza (Veneto)
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Museo Civico di Storia Naturale
Lungadige Porta Vittoria 9, 37129 Verona
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Museo delle Palafitte di Fiavé
Via 3 Novembre, 53, 38075 Fiavé
From 27 June to 10 September: daily 10:00-18:00; August: daily 10:00-19:00. From 11 September to 31
to the website
Parco Archeo Natura Fiavé - Archeo Nature Park
A fascinating journey through time, diving into the past, into the atmosphere of the pile-dwelling village of Fiavé to experience the life of our Bronze Age ancestors. Between Lake Garda and the Brenta Dolomites, in Fiavé, in the Valli Giudicarie, where once was the ancient Carera Lake, the Archeo Nature Park rises today, in an environment of great value. A path of discovery and knowledge in the evocative scenery of the nature reserve, a few dozen metres from the archaeological area, included by UNESCO in the World Heritage List, where the remains of the posts that supported the prehistoric buildings are still visible. The Archeo Nature Park and the archaeological area, together with the Pile dwelling Museum in the village of Fiavé, form a true archaeological compound, full of surprises for visitors of all ages. All this is an invitation to adventure and exploration of the past along an engaging route with full-scale reconstruction of the prehistoric buildings, installations illustrating life at the time of the pile dwellings, information panels, a visitor centre with films and multimedia equipment, rest areas as well as spaces dedicated to families and children.
Museo Civico Archeologico
Castello Sforzesco , 20121 Milano
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Museo Archeologico dell’Alto Mantovano
Piazza Castello 8, 46040 Cavriana
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Museo Archeologico “Paolo Giovio”
Piazza Medaglie d`Oro , 22100 Como
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Museo Civico Archeologico "Giovanni Rambotti"
Via Anelli 7/c, 25015 Desenzano del Garda
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Museo Civico Archeologico di Villa Mirabello
Piazza della Motta 4, 21100 Varese
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Museo delle Palafitte Lago di Ledro
Via Lungolago 1, 30060 Molina di Ledro
Daily open:
Mar. - Jun.: 9.00 - 17.00
Jul. - Aug.: 10.00 - 18.00
Sep. - Nov.: 9.00 - 17.00
The museum is closed in December, January and February
The Pile-Dwelling Museum of Lake Ledro is the living heart of ReLED, which groups together the museums of Valle di Ledro. It’s also part of a network of museums, which has the MUSE, the Science Museum of Trento, as its centre.
The building dates back to the 1970s. From simple container of archaeological finds, the it has managed to transform itself into a true museum. The museum now works as a showcase of showcases, a space in constant dialogue with its surroundings. The archaeological activity has complemented the exhibit activity from the very beginning. From the 1990s the didactical work and the summer activities have been added as well.
Please find here the actual event calendar of the museum
Mestni muzej
Gosposka 15, 1000 Ljubljana
Tue - Sun: 10.00 - 18.00
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National Museum of Slovenia
Muzejska ulica 1, 1000 Ljubljana
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Naturhistorisches Museum Wien (NHM)
Maria-Theresien-Platz 6, 1010 Wien
daily, except tuesday: 9.00 - 18.30
Wed. 9.00 - 21.00
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Faubourg du Lac 52, 2501 Biel/Bienne
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to the website
Millennia-old traces left behind by people in the past have survived below water, below ground and on the surface. The Museum Schwab offers journeys of discovery through the layers of the past. The exhibition hall boasts a modern layout and invites you on a trip through time to visit important archaeological sites in the area around Lake Bienne, the Bernese Jura region and the city of Bienne. The topics: Archaeology – yesterday and today, living and surviving, burials and rites.
Oberösterreichisches Landesmuseum - Schlossmuseum
Schlossberg 1 1, 4010 Linz
Tue. - Fri.: 9.00 - 18.00
Thu.: 9.00 - 21.00
Sat., Sun. and holidays 10.00 - 17.00
Mon.: [nb
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Observatoire régional des Lacs Alpins (ORLA)
place du Château , 74000 Annecy
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Ortsmuseum Meilen
Kirchgasse 14, 8706 Meilen
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The pile dwellers room gives an account of how European pile-dwelling research started off in Obermeilen and shows how important the pile dwellings were for the Swiss Federal State, which at the time was still in its infancy. The exhibition also explores whether the pile dwellings were in fact erected in open water, how the cultural provenance of a vessel can be pinpointed and how the age of a find is determined.
Ortsmuseum Sust
Bahnhofstrasse 27, 8810 Horgen
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One part of the exhibition is dedicated to the Horgen Culture. Most of the artefacts came from the site Horgen-Scheller. The earliest settlement at Scheller has been dated to the period between 3100 and 3000 BC. The exhibition shows the crafts and dietary habits of the people who lived in Horgen 5000 years ago. Special exhibits are a wooden axe handle with remnants of string, a ladle and a swizzle stick, and also a ‘Horgen knife’.
Parco Archeologica dell Isolino Virginia e Museo Civico Preistorico Isolino Virginia
Loc. Strencia 15, 21100 Biandronno
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Parco Naturale dei Lagoni di Mercurago
Centro Visite Via Gattico 6, Arona
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Pfahlbaumuseum Mondsee
Marschall-Werde-Paltz 1, 5310 Mondsee
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Pfahlbaumuseum Lüscherz
Hauptstrasse 19, 2576 Lüscherz
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The Museum exhibits an impressive collection amassed by Hans Iseli from Lüscherz. Over the course of 60 years he collected more than 10,000 artefacts made of stone, flint, bone, antler and clay, which document the lives of the pile dwellers that lived around Lake Bienne. The exhibition is housed in the basement of the Town Hall at Haupstrasse 19 and gives insight into the lives of early farming communities on Lake Bienne between 4000 and 800 BC.
Razstavišče Moja Ljubljanica
Tržaška cesta 32, 1360 Vrhnika
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Rosgartenstraße 3-5, 78462 Konstanz
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The Rosgarten museum has been founded in the 19th century and up to now the museum shows the collection of prehistoric finds in the 19-th-century-exposition. Archaeological finds from a lot of important Neolithic and bronze age sites around
Sammlung des Institutes für Ur- und Frühgeschichte, Universität Wien
Franz-Klein-Gasse 1, 1190 Wien
is possible by appointment only
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Südschwäbisches Archäologie-Museum
Hermelestrasse 4, 87719 Mindelheim
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Städtisches Museum Überlingen
Krummebergstraße 30, 88662 Überlingen
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Städtische Sammlungen
Museumstraße 6, 88400 Biberach
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The archaeological collection of the Braith-Mali-Museum has been found by the Biberach dentist and pioneering archaeologist Heinrich Forschner (1880 – 1959). Archaeological objects of the Stone- and Bronze Age are shown.
Wiggertaler Museum
Gemeindeverwaltung Schötz, Dorfchärn 1, 6247 Schötz
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