Arbon | Bleiche 2-3
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There are several settlement sites known in the bleaching area at Arbon. The settlement Bleiche 3, dating back to the transitional period between the Pfyn Culture and the Horgen Culture (3384–3370 BC) are particularly well-preserved. Excavations between 1993 and 1995 revealed the outlines of 26 houses in four rows, which had been destroyed in a fire. In close vicinity lies Bleiche 2 with multiple overlayed settlements from the early Bronze Age (ca. 1700-1500 BC). Around 30 floor plans, as well as fences are known. Both sites have been excavated only partially.
Néolithique / Age du Bronze
3384–3370 a. J-C / 1700–1500 a. J-C
Lac de Constance
394 m
Taille du site 2,37 ha / environ 3 terrains de foot
Taille du zone tampon 5,84 ha / environ 8 terrains de foot
Particularités & points forts
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Bleiche 3 is a site from the transitional period between the Pfyner and Horgen cultures. The Early Bronze Age site Bleiche 2 is the eponymous site for the Arbon Group.

Activités en cours
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The conservation of the site is supervised by the office Amt für Archäologie.The latest major measures were taken outside the UNESCO core zone in 2017. The well-preserved find material from Bleiche 3 is regularly made available for further analysis.
Découvrir les palafittes
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Today the layers of finds lie covered by several meters of sediment under a car park and some buildings, well protected in the damp subsoil. A sign provides information on site.
Selected finds can be visited at the Cantonal Museum of Archaeology in Frauenfeld and the historical museum at Arbon Castle.
Museum für Archäologie Frauenfeld
Freie Strasse 24
8510 Frauenfeld
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Opening hours:
Tue–Fri 2–5 pm
Sat & Sun 1–5 pm
Historisches Museum Schloss Arbon
Schloss 4,
9320 Arbon
+4171 446 60 10
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Opening hours
1st May–30th September, daily 2–5 pm
March, April & October, Sun 2–5 pm